Exploring the vast universe of hard science fiction

Hello, shatterlings.

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This is my first post. An introduction seemed appropriate. But not about me – about what will eventually live here on these pages.

I’ve always been an avid reader and science fiction fan. My earliest reading memories are of riding my bike up to the town library and checking out as many Tom Swift books as they would let me take out. I read them all. There are 38 in print, all published before 1941. Whatever the library didn’t have, I went out and found. I have consumed science fiction the same way ever since – in bulk. The science part was always a critical component of the Tom Swift novels, and to this day, I love the science part of science fiction. I’ll forgive some poor writing if the science is good (James Corey), but great writing can’t make up for bad science (James Rosone).

Like the 38 books of the Tom Swift series, to this day, I prefer a series of books or episodes to a stand-alone book or a movie. I like epics. Any author who can maintain intensity and science across an epic is gold. So, space operas are something I also take a look at to see if the science seems solid. But I’ll choose a [modern] series over a film any day of the week.

Last, I am an avid reader. I generally read around 500 pages a week. I read on a Kindle not paper. I also spend a fair amount of time in my truck, so I use Whisper Sync to move seamless back and forth between Kindle and Audible. The point is this, I try to read the books before the series or the movie comes out. I have always considered books a superior medium. So this will be first and foremost a book review site, with all other things science fiction thrown in, like films or t-shirts.

Lastly, there are links here for your convenience. As much as possible, I want to make it easy for you to find what you want to find, without having to open another browser or your phone to search. Yes, many of these links are affiliate links, but I do not rely on these for the food on my table. Sometimes the links are just downright illy and meant for humor alone.


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